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  • Uncover the hidden treasures of Guangzhou, a vibrant metropolis in southern China, with our guide to off-the-beaten-path discoveries. Beyond the well-known markets and temples, Guangzhou boasts a wealth of hidden gems waiting to be explored. Join us as we unveil ten lesser-known attractions that will add a unique twist to your travel itinerary. Baomo Garden:…

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A little peek into my world – I’m that vivacious, offbeat burst of sunshine, your trusty sidekick in this vast universe. I’m all about exploring the globe, capturing its beauty, and, of course, having some goofy, quirky, and downright dorky moments along the way.

Here, I’ll spill the beans on all things travel and the ins and outs of life in foreign lands. I totally get that feeling of being stuck, but I’m here to remind you that you’re not trapped; sometimes, all it takes is a bit more knowledge, a dash of confidence, and a friendly consultation.

Amy Abroad